Pravitasari, Hikmah Oky. 2009. The Implementation of Stick Figure to Teach
Writing Recount Text to the Eighth Grader of SMPN 1 Ngoro Mojokerto.
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni. Universitas Negeri
Surabaya. Advisor. Drs. H. Aswandi, M.Pd.
Writing is an important skill in learning English as a foreign language
because writing is a way to express our ideas and to communicate in written
form. However, writing is considered at the most difficult skill for the
students. Besides, many English teachers always present writing activity by
asking the students to do an assignment without thinking about how to
facilitate them. This is one of reason why most of students are usually
confused when they are going to start writing. It seems that they have nothing
in their mind about what they are going to write. For this reason, the writer
was eager to conduct the research that especially focused on the teaching
writing recount texts by using Stick Figure. Using stick figure is more vivid than words and much
easier to recal. Related to the matter, the writer
is interested in studying the use of stick figures for teaching writing at
Junior High School. Hence, the research questions were formulated as: (1). How is the
implementation of stick figures in teaching writing recount texts? And (2). How
are the students’ responses towards the implementation of stick figures in
teaching writing?
The writer used descriptive qualitative research in doing her study. The
writer would describe and analyze the existing phenomena during the teaching
learning process. The subject of this study is students of VIII-A SMP Negeri 1
Ngoro Mojokerto. Moreover, there were four kinds of instruments used in this
study, they were observation checklist, field note, questionnaire and students’
writing. The research was conducted in three meeting. In every meeting the
teacher gave an assignment. The different topics given in every meeting, they
were about daily activities, Sunday in the beach, and family activities.
From the result of the
study, the implementation of Stick
figures helps the students in writing recount text and make students easily to
identify the generic structure and language feature of recount text. It can be
proved from the students’ writing progress in the term of each component.
Furthermore, the students really enjoyed to write a recount text by using stick
figure, besides the chart of stick figures with their relevant keywords as a
model makes the vocabulary in recount text more familiar and the students are
more actively to ask and answer question related to the implementation of stick
figures .It showed that mostly of the students were agree that the
implementation of stick figures was really helpful in getting the ideas to
write recount text. Here, the writer suggest some ways for the teacher of using
stick figures as one alternative in teaching writing especially for the teacher
who have large classes. The most important one is teacher always keeps
observing the students’ progress on every step on learning.
Key words: Stick
Figures, recount writing
Everything because of
Allah SWT
From Allah SWT to Allah
"The most beautiful things in the world are not seen nor
touched. They are felt with the heart."
-Helen Keller-
I dedicate
this thesis to:
My beloved
Guardian Angels, Father and mother. Thank you for your restless pray all over
the night. It is an honor for having such a firm father and an indulgent mother
like you. I will never stop praying for you to the Only Almighty God, Allah SWT,
to replay all your abundant love, prays, and support.
For Mama
It’s such a hard day having me as your daughter, Thanks for all,
the words thanks is not enough for you, I must thanks one thousand times…two
thousand times…even million times. It’s too many things to be mentioned to
thanks to. I Love you mom
For Papa
It’s your daughter; I’m this moment now finally, but I have to
continue the next struggle. I hope I can do what you always want me to be. I
Love you Pa
For My Sisters Dini and
Ikhsmi, Thanks for always supporting me, accompanying me, thanks for
everything. Sorry I always bother u, but we’re still good sibling, aren’t we!
I love you all. You are my greatest inspiration in my life. You
make my life more colorful, wonderful and beautiful.
The Writer
I would like to say Alhamdulillah and praise to Allah
SWT, the most merciful who has given me strength to finish this thesis entitle THE IMPLEMENTATION OF STICK FIGURES TO
I would like to express my deepest appreciation and gratitude to Drs. H.
Aswandi M.Pd, my beloved advisor who helped and guided me attentively and
patiently, thank you for always giving me so much advices, guidance,
suggestion, and supports. My earnest gratitude also goes to Dra. Hj. Syukriah
Abdullah and Dr. Oikurema Purwati, M. Appl., as the examiners, who have
provided me in valuable suggestion and correction for the accomplishment of
this thesis. Besides, My appreciation and thanks are addressed to my Co-Reader
Mrs. Dian Rivia S.Pd, M.Pd for giving much advice to correct the grammar.
I also wish to deliver my deepest
love and thank to
1. Prof. Dr. Setya Yuwana, S.,M.A. as
the dean of art and language faculty.
2. Dr. Oikurema Purwati, M.Appl as
the chief of English Department of Surabaya
State University.
3. All lectures and staff at the
English Department of Surabaya State University, who have given to me the
benefit of their experience as a source of knowledge in all aspect of his
4. Mr. Yusuf Wijanarko S.Pd, the teacher of SMPN 1 Lumajang who really
helps me in doing this study and also gave me so many books and sources.
5. Drs. Amin Suudi M.Pd.,M.M. as the headmaster of SMPN 1 Ngoro
6. Mrs. Riati S.Pd as the English Teacher of SMAN 1 Babat Lamongan.
7. All of my friends in English Department at batch 2005.
8. All of my best friends Eny, Mimin, Yunyta, Vea, zie, Yanti, Rina,
Re, Paul, Nara, Chie, Andra’, Ratieh, Ochie, Widia, Tifa. You are my greatest
Inspiration of my life. Sen Ching Ping and Wira-Wiri.
9. The dweller of Arum Ndalu Especially for my sister and my roommate
Dini and Choing, you are my folks and sisters. We are the great family of room
10. Dwi, Erly, Menik, Titin, Indah, Umi thanks for your kindness.
10. The Nobar, Rpin, Miruu, Dwi, Tachi, andik, Rahma, Fuad, Fajar. I’ll never forget the moment when we watched
Movie together. I hope we can watch it again even in the future. You are such wonderful
11. Meilin Thanks for your great spiri.
The writer realizes that there are
still a lot of mistakes and weaknesses in this thesis. Therefore, critics and
suggestions are needed in order to make better improvement for this study.
last, there is a big hope that is piece of writing could be useful for all
readers. Amiiin.
Surabaya, June 24, 2009
The Writer
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