Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Coming Soon The Next Movie (2013) Hansel and Gretel

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters is an upcoming 2013 American action-adventure horror film directed by Tommy Wirkola and filmed in 3-D.

This is not the usual tale, reinterpretation of fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel" this one is far from the original version. If the story about brothers who get lost in the middle of the forest was originally a children's fairy tale, the film version is clearly not intended for the under-age.

Jeremy Renner and Gemma Arterton are believed to be Hansel and Gretel. In this film, Brothers Grimm brothers' fairy tales told an adult. Childhood experiences were nearly died at the hands of wizards make them grow up to be strong.

The story, after 15 years they managed to escape from the cruelty of the witch, they want to eradicate all witches on earth. Later, they also toured the country find and slay the evil wizard.

Compactness brothers also shook the world of black magic. However, the steps they took revenge not as smooth as they think. Adventure even more exciting with the advent of the enemies is not only strong, but also has supernatural powers.

Renner started 2012 with the hit film The Avengers heavy, continued with the release of The Bourne Legacy this summer. Meanwhile, Gemma Arterton, formerly known as Bond girl in Quantum Solace, Clash of the Titans, and Prince of Persia: Sands of Time.

The story begins with the brothers' plan revenge to the witches. They both have turned into a bounty hunter, bounty hunter. Moreover, citizens also feel uneasy with the conduct of the witches.

The more years of expertise they have increased, but so did the enemy they face. Their fame as an exterminator witch lies in their ability to track the witches.

Bitter experience since childhood also makes them immune to the curse of the witches. The story, the mayor of Augsburg recruits them to protect his city. In the city was a witch said to be sacrificing children on the night "in the bloody". However, Hansel and Gretel did not just have to deal with witches, they were barred Sheriff Berringer who want to take over power.

Action film mixed with dark comedy is scheduled to release on January 11, 2013. Directed by Tommy Wirkola known in Dead Snow believed to direct the film which releases in 3D form. (By: Hiory)


Selasa, 06 November 2012

Ku Serahkan Anakku

Bismillahirr Rahmanirr Rahim ...

Saat pertama kali putri kecil kami terlahir di dunia, dia menjadi simbol kebahagiaan bagi kami, orang tuanya. Bahagia yang tiada tara kami rasakan karenanya. Kami menjaganya siang dan malam, sampai kami melupakan keadaan diri sendiri. Kami sadar, memang seharusnyalah seperti itu kewajiban orang tua.

Kami besarkan dia dengan segenap jiwa dan raga. Kami didik dengan semaksimal ilmu yang kami punya. Dan kami jaga dia dengan penuh kehati-hatian.

Dan waktupun berlalu...

Dia kini telah menjadi sesosok gadis yang cantik. Betapa bangga kami memilikinya. Kami berpikir, betapa cepat waktu berlalu, dan terbersit dalam hati kami untuk tetap menahannnya disini. Bukan bermaksud meletakkan ego kami atas hidupnya, Namun sebagai orang tua, siapa yang dapat berpisah dari anaknya. Putri kesayangannnya. 


Hari ini, akhirnya datang juga. Saat dimana kami harus melihatnya terbalut dalam pakaian cantik, yaitu gaun pengantinnya. Gadis kecil kami telah tumbuh dewasa. Dan sesudah ijab kabul ini, kau lah kini yang menjadi penjaganya. Menggantikan kami. Mari ikatkan tanganmu kepadanya.

Waktu akhirnya memaksa kami berpisah dengannya. Walaupun kau adalah orang yang asing dan baru sebentar dikenalnya, sedangkan kami adalah orang tuanya yang telah mengorbankan semua yang kami punya untuknya. Namun, tak ada sama sekali kemarahan kami atas dirimu, menantuku. Namun ijinkan kami sedikit meluapkan kesedihan atas seorang putri kami yang harus jauh meninggalkan kami, karena harus mengikutimu. Kamipun tak akan protes kepadamu, karena mulai hari ini, dia harus mengutamakan kau diatas kami. 

Tolong, jangan beratkan hatinya, karena sebenarnya pun hatinya telah berat untuk meninggalkan kami dan hanya mengabdi kepadamu. Seperti hal nya anak yang ingin berbakti kepada orang tua, pun demikian dengannya. Kami tidak keberatan apabila harus sendiri, tanpa ada gadis kecil kami dulu yang selalu menemani dan menolong kami dimasa tua.

Kami menikahkanmu dengan anak gadis kami dan memberikan kepadamu dengan cuma- cuma, kami hanya memohon untuk dia selalu kau jaga dan kau bahagiakan.

Jangan sakiti hatinya, karena hal itu berarti pula akan menyakiti kami. Dia kami besarkan dengan segenap jiwa raga, untuk menjadi penopang harapan kami dimasa depan, untuk mengangkat kehormatan dan derajat kami. Namun kini kami harus menitipkannya kepadamu. Kami tidaklah keberatan, karena berarti terjagalah kehormatan putri kami.

Jika kau tak berkenan atas kekurangannya, ingatkanlah dia dengan cara yang baik, mohon jangan sakiti dia, sekali lagi, jangan sakiti dia.

Suatu saat dia menangis karena merasa kasihan dengan kami yang mulai menua, namun harus sendiri berdua disini, tanpa ada kehadirannya lagi. Tahukah engkau wahai menantuku, bahwa kau pun memiliki orang tua, pun dengan istrimu ini. Disaat kau perintahkan dia untuk menemani orang tuamu disana, pernahkah kau berpikir betapa luasnya hati istrimu? Dia mengorbankan egonya sendiri untuk tetap berada disamping orang tuamu, menjaga dan merawat mereka, sedang kami tahu betapa sedih dia karena dengan itu berarti orang tuanya sendiri, harus sendiri. Sama sekali tiada keluh kesah darinya tentang semua itu, karena semua adalah untuk menepati kewajibannya kepada Allah.

Dia mementingkan dirimu dan hanya bisa mengirim doa kepada kami dari jauh. Jujur, sedih hati kami saat jauh darinya. Namun apalah daya kami, memang sudah masa seharusnya seperti itu, kau lebih berhak atasnya dari pada kami, orang tuanya sendiri. 

Maka hargailah dia yang telah dengan rela mengabdi kepadamu. Maka hiburlah dia yang telah membuat keputusan yang sedemikian sulit. Maka sayangilah dia atas semua pengorbanannya yang hanya demi dirimu. Begitulah cantiknya putri kami, Semoga kau mengetahui betapa berharganya istrimu itu, jika kau menyadari.

Terima Apa Adanya

Seorang pria dan kekasihnya menikah dan acaranya pernikahannya sungguh megah. Semua kawan-kawan dan keluarga mereka hadir menyaksikan dan menikmati hari yang berbahagia tersebut. Suatu acara yang luar biasa mengesankan.

Mempelai wanita begitu anggun dalam gaun putihnya dan pengantin pria dalam tuxedo hitam yang gagah. Setiap pasang mata yang memandang setuju mengatakan bahwa mereka sungguh-sungguh saling mencintai.

Beberapa bulan kemudian, sang istri berkata kepada suaminya, "Sayang, aku baru membaca sebuah artikel di majalah tentang bagaimana memperkuat tali pernikahan," katanya sambil menyodorkan majalah tersebut. "Masing-masing kita akan mencatat hal-hal yang kurang kita sukai dari pasangan kita.

Kemudian, kita akan membahas bagaimana merubah hal-hal tersebut dan membuat hidup pernikahan kita bersama lebih bahagia" Suaminya setuju dan mereka mulai memikirkan hal-hal dari pasangannya yang tidak mereka sukai dan berjanji tidak akan tersinggung ketika pasangannya mencatat hal-hal yang kurang baik sebab hal tersebut untuk kebaikkan mereka bersama.

Malam itu mereka sepakat untuk berpisah kamar dan mencatat apa yang terlintas dalam benak mereka masing-masing. Besok pagi ketika sarapan, mereka siap mendiskusikannya.

"Aku akan mulai duluan ya", kata sang istri. Ia lalu mengeluarkan daftarnya. Banyak sekali yang ditulisnya, sekitar 3 halaman.

Ketika ia mulai membacakan satu persatu hal yang tidak dia sukai dari suaminya, ia memperhatikan bahwa airmata suaminya mulai mengalir. "Maaf, apakah aku harus berhenti?" tanyanya. "Oh tidak, lanjutkan" jawab suaminya.


Lalu sang istri melanjutkan membacakan semua yang terdaftar, lalu kembali melipat kertasnya dengan manis diatas meja dan berkata dengan bahagia "Sekarang gantian ya, engkau yang membacakan daftarmu".

Dengan suara perlahan suaminya berkata "Aku tidak mencatat sesuatupun di kertasku.

Aku berpikir bahwa engkau sudah sempurna, dan aku tidak ingin merubahmu. Engkau adalah dirimu sendiri. Engkau cantik dan baik bagiku. Tidak satupun dari pribadimu yang kudapatkan kurang".

Sang istri tersentak dan tersentuh oleh pernyataan dan ungkapan cinta serta isi hati suaminya. Bahwa suaminya menerimanya apa adanya, Ia menunduk dan menangis.

Senin, 01 Oktober 2012

RECOMENDED BOOK : YOUNG PERSON’S CHARACTER “education handbook” Written by Nancy Stevenson

by:  Hikmah Oky Pravitasari
Everybody has their own rules to face the world. Some of them do the right things, and some of them do the wrong. Everybody wants to do better, but sometimes they never know how to do the right one???
Here’s some stories related to the young person characters, and you’ll find the differences of character development.

Adaptable in Life
Tasha and her sister Olivia are very different. Tasha is a free spirit who goes her own way. Olivia pays more attention to the rules and fits in well with everybody. When their parents announced they were moving, Tasha was miser- able, but Olivia looked forward to the change. At their new school, they found out that if they were late for class, they had to go to the principal’s office. In their old school, things were not so strict.
Tasha had a hard time adapting and was often late for class. She spent a lot of time in the principal’s office. Olivia adapted to the rules and was on time to class. She joined new groups and got along with her new classmates. Tasha spent a lot of time alone. One afternoon Tasha and Olivia had a fight. “You’re just a wimp, trying to impress the teachers,” said Tasha. “Well, you spend part of every day in the principal’s office, while I get to hang out at the mall,” said Olivia.

Here are some people from various walks of life. Each has a reputation for adaptability.
Helen Keller was 19 months old when she fell ill with a fever. When she recovered, she was deaf and blind. Her family did not know how to cope with the situation. When Helen was six, they brought in a private teacher named Annie Sullivan. Sullivan challenged all the behavior that young Helen had learned in her short life. She fought to teach her ways to communicate and behave. Helen not only adapted to survive, but she became an author and teacher herself. Keller’s triumph can inspire us when we face change.

Hellen Keller becomes a famous writer and lawyer, her wise words become popular till now. You can see her story in a movie entitled “hellen Keller”. Annie Sullivan is a great teacher who teaches her patiently. 

Anne Frank was a rebellious girl when her family went into hiding from the Nazis in World War II. She was forced to live in an attic with many others and to give up many things. Anne fought some things but adapted to others, in great part by writing her thoughts in a diary. Her father found and published that diary after the war—after Anne had died in a concentration camp. Her diary inspires anyone who must find a way to rise above change.

Being Altruistic
Being altruistic means caring about the welfare of other people with-out expecting anything in return. Sometimes we care for others to geta reward or to make them love us.  An altruistic person is unselfish and finds that caring for others can be its own reward.

Ellen Hathaway had begun substitute teaching in her town. On her second day, she was asked to teach an art class. During class, students made a mess with paints and other materials. Although Ellen asked them to clean up their own spaces before the end of class, most students did not. With only a 15-minute break before her next class, Ellen began to clean up herself. She was upset that the students took advantage of her substitute status to disobey her. After a minute, there was a knock at the classroom door. It was Tamika, one of the students who had cleaned up her desk before leaving. “Ms. Hathaway, can I help?” Ellen knew that Tamika was giving up part of her lunch break to help. Because Ellen was a substitute teacher, she couldn’t do anything for Tamika, such as give her a better grade or nominate her for an award. As Ellen and Tamika finished up, Ellen thanked her. “No problem,” said Tamika, who hurried to the lunchroom to grab a sandwich before her next class. Tamika’s friend asked her why she was late, and Tamika just smiled.

Here are some people who have a reputation for being altruistic.
Florence Nightingale was a nurse during the Crimean War in the 1800s. During the war, many British soldiers were dying from disease and wounds. A commission sent a group of nurses to Turkey. This group was led by Florence Nightingale. Her night rounds by lamp light earned her the name of Lady of the Lamp because she was tireless in caring for the sick. Her efforts not only saved many lives, but helped to raise nursing to a respectable position in society. Nightingale was so disinterested in fame or reward that she returned home under an assumed name and refused photographs or interviews all her life.

Sometimes, a kindness doesn’t need a reward and fame. A kindness is coming from each heart to help and care each other.

Harriet Tubman was born into slavery in the American South. As a teenager she tried to protect another field worker from a beating. The overseer swung at the worker and hit Tubman in the head, causing an injury that gave her pain the rest of her life. After escaping herself, she helped more than 300 other slaves to move along the Underground Railroad to safety. During her life, she made 19 trips back to the South to help others. In doing so, she was in danger of being caught and returned to slavery.

Dr. Albert Schweitzer was a French missionary and surgeon. In 1952, he won the Nobel Peace Prize. Earlier in his life, he was a minister and an accomplished musician. When he decided to go to Africa as a missionary, he put himself through medical school to become a doctor. He worked in French Equatorial Africa, building a hospital to offer health care to natives. With the Nobel Peace Prize money, he started a hospital for people with leprosy, a disfiguring disease.

Stevenson, Nancy. 2006. Young Person’s character Education handbook. Indianapolis: JIST Publishing, Inc.